
Close up of Aircraft Nacelle and engine

January 2017, Dubai, UAE – After the successful experience of the A350 Nacelle Tooling licensee, UTC Aerospace Systems has renewed its trust in Dedienne Aerospace through the A320neo Nacelle Tooling agreement. Dedienne Aerospace will be the sole provider for the sale, maintenance, calibration, leasing and service of the A320neo Nacelle Tooling.

We are proud of the trust that UTC Aerospace Systems has shown in our company. We are certain that our extensive experience and high quality products will help all our customers with the maintenance of their A320neos’fleet. This is a new chapter in our strong partnership with UTC Aerospace Systems and we are delighted to continue this journey,” said Cédric Barbe, CEO of Dedienne Aerospace.

我们确信, 我们的丰富经验和优质产品将有助于所有客户的A320neos发动机机队维护工作

德定安航空已做好充分准备, 随时指导并支持所有使用A320neos发动机的航空公司和MRO, 满足 A320neo机舱工具需求和其他维护需求.

Our primary commitment is to provide our customers with the finest quality of products as well as premium customer service and support. Customers will be the first to benefit from this partnership that we are very pleased to be pursuing. We believe that it will be a great success,” explained Guillaume Fontagne, Dedienne Aerospace Nacelle Tooling Program manager.




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