
2014年10月,德国慕尼黑—— 2014年10月9日, 德定安航空(Dedienne Aerospace)和FLTechnics签署了一项协议, 旨在向俄罗斯和独联体以及乌克兰, 格鲁吉亚, 摩尔多瓦和立陶宛的零部件市场客户销售和分销新工具. FL Technics是俄罗斯和独联体的第一家材料和零部件供应商, 也是德定安航空在维尔纽斯和考纳斯的MRO业务重要合作伙伴.
德定安航空的OEM品牌声誉和FL Technics的大型分销网络将为最终客户提供一站式解决方案和最 佳服务性能.
未来, 双方计划扩大合作, FL Technics可能开始为上述设备提供各种MRO服务, 包括AOG支持, 维修和校准, 负载和压力测试, 改装和翻新等.
“FL Technics has a long-standing history of successful cooperation with various aviation industry players in the CIS region. With their support we intend to further expand the geography of our activity and the portfolio of products by providing local players with tailored GSE and tooling solutions,” comments Guillaume Justamon, Head of Sales and Marketing at Dedienne Aerospace.
在他们的支持下, 我们希望通过为当地参与者提供定制化GSE和工具解决方案, 进一步扩大我们的业务市场和产品组合
“We are proud of the trust awarded by Dedienne Aerospace to our company. We are certain that our extensive experience and high quality products will help airlines, MROs and other CIS market players to further optimize their maintenance costs. We see the latest cooperation as a start of a strong partnership which the entire regional industry may benefit from,” shares Zilvinas Lapinskas, the CEO of FL Technics.
图片:立陶宛维尔纽斯FL Technics工厂