与Moke一起感受Saper Airways飞行之旅
Jean-Marie Monsengwo is a contemporary Congolese artist born in 1968 in Kinshasa. Signing his work as MOKE fils, he is the son of Monsengwo Kejwamfi, who is known as Moké (1950 – 2001), and who, along with others such as Chéri Samba and Chéri Chérin, was a painter recognized in his country for developing a popular style of painting that represents everyday life in the Congo. MOKE fils’ work is fully in keeping with this heritage. His style is to use bright and brilliant colors, his figures are free from an academic research for proportion, his idea being to bring to life the spirit of place, and portraying society with all its joys and its faults. He has thus become known as the leading proponent of “kinoiseries”, which is synonymous with the joviality, annoyances and accidental excesses of life in Kinshasa. All this is accompanied by an acuity which does not hesitate to denounce the political and social failings of Africa and its relations with the West.
与Moke一起感受Saper Airways飞行之旅
Jean-Marie Monsengwo is a contemporary Congolese artist born in 1968 in Kinshasa. Signing his work as MOKE fils, he is the son of Monsengwo Kejwamfi, who is known as Moké (1950 – 2001), and who, along with others such as Chéri Samba and Chéri Chérin, was a painter recognized in his country for developing a popular style of painting that represents everyday life in the Congo. MOKE fils’ work is fully in keeping with this heritage. His style is to use bright and brilliant colors, his figures are free from an academic research for proportion, his idea being to bring to life the spirit of place, and portraying society with all its joys and its faults. He has thus become known as the leading proponent of “kinoiseries”, which is synonymous with the joviality, annoyances and accidental excesses of life in Kinshasa. All this is accompanied by an acuity which does not hesitate to denounce the political and social failings of Africa and its relations with the West.

The Saper Airways, Moké, 2019, Abbaye D’Auberive ©A.Volot
这幅作品的主题是轻松愉快. 五名同谋飞越一条宽阔的河流, 河流上的一座桥将两座城市分隔开来. 他们坐在一架属于“La Sape Airways”航空公司的特色飞机上. 五位人物都非常时尚, 穿着优雅 多彩, 微笑且放松,显然很享受这次飞行之旅. 这架飞机外形既像一只鞋, 又像一个钱包, 机翼是 皮带形式. 这位艺术家本人就在那里, 穿着条纹西装, 手里拿着刷子, 黑色鞋子上印有MF for Moké fils字样.
什么是“萨普”(SAPE)?萨普是指“氛围营造者和雅士协会”(Société des Ambianceurs et des Personnes Elégantes). 这是一场将两个刚果民族团结在一起的文化运动. 萨普文化表现为一种特定的纨绔主义, 参考殖民地过去的着装规范和礼仪, 同时重新进行诠释, 喜爱奢华配饰, 颜色, 痴迷于外表. 这一运动始于20世纪初, 由欧洲家庭佣工发起, 他们模仿老板的着装风格, 从而更好地融入社会. 作为一种社会性成功的证明, 萨普文化重新流行起来, 并进入政治领域, 尤其是在蒙博托(1965年至1997年刚果民主共和国的独裁者)政权反对运动中. 1991年之前, 蒙博托政府一直强制年轻人穿制服. 这种制服被称为abacost, 意为“打倒西装”. 这种制服由刚果织物制成, 没有领子或领带, 被认为是臣服于殖民文化的标志. 萨普文化追随者在当时被视为煽动者, 暴徒, 并被贬义地称为“巴黎人”.

这架载着五位“萨普尔”(代指氛围营造者和雅士协会成员)的飞机正飞越一条分隔两座大城市的 大河. 无疑是刚果河. 这条河流分隔了世界上两个地理位置最接近的首都:布拉柴维尔(刚果共和 国)和金沙萨(刚果民主共和国), 距离仅4公里!
这幅画的左边是金沙萨, 1970 年至1974 年间利用钢筋混凝土建造了一座非常著名的Limete 大楼, 高210米. 右边是布拉柴维尔, Nabemba办公大楼是刚果共和国最高的大楼, 高106米, 于1990年落成.
在河面上, 我们看到渡轮把人们从一个首都运送到另一个首都, 但也看到一座空桥…这座桥还不存 在!事实上, 这座桥是一个早在殖民地时期就开始实施的古老项目. 多年来, 因两个国家之间的问题, 一直未能实现. 非洲开发银行及其基础设施融资平台(Africa 50)筹集了6亿美元, 从2020年8月开始在这两个主要城市下游修建2公里的公路-铁路结构, 最终实现这个古老的梦想:将1200万金少萨人与200万布拉柴维尔人连接起来.
与此同时, “Sape Airways”飞机飞越仍处于分隔状态的刚果, 向世界传播萨普文化的冷静态度…
30 9 月 2019