与普惠签订PW1100 GTF™长期协议

2018年4月, 美国佛罗里达州奥兰多—— 普惠(Pratt & Whitney)宣布, 在佛罗里达州奥兰多市举行的MRO美洲会议上, 已与德定安航空(Dedienne Aerospace)达成PW1100齿轮传动涡扇发动机托架(GTF)长期战略协议. 该长期协议将进一步扩展零部件市场供应链, 标志着普惠零部件市场部门首次与发动机托架供应商签订长期协议.
“It is imperative for us to set-up a worldwide supplier network that can guarantee the capacity we will need to meet the needs of our customers,” said Heather Walton, senior director, Aftermarket Supply Chain. “These long-term agreements, which include competitive KPIs for turnaround times and cost recovery, will help Pratt & Whitney support airline customers, programs and aftermarket facilities.”
“This is another step forward for us and we are very proud to have been chosen by Pratt & Whitney. We are now a part of this incredible Geared Turbofan journey. The customer will benefit from our expertise and our ability to deliver this important development program,” said Karel Volot, President & CEO of Dedienne Aerospace LLC.
我们又向前迈进了一步, 非常荣幸能与普惠合作, 参与其大型齿轮传动涡扇发动机项目
根据这项为期五年的协议, 专门从事民用和国防市场航空维修工具的德定安航空将为PW1100G-JM 发动机提供发动机托架.
除长期协议外, 为了支持所有航空公司客户, 德定安航空和普惠还签订了PW1100发动机托架许可 协议, 该协议立即生效.
图片:从左往右:Wolfgang Neuwirth——德定安航空普惠项目经理, Joseph Sylvestro——普惠零部件市场副总裁, Heather Walton——普惠零部件市场供应链高级总监, Karel Volot——德定安航空总裁兼首席执行官, Willie Gaston——普惠工具支付服务总经理, Mohan Irvathraya——普惠I.P.许可副总监