A350 机舱工具许可协议

德定安航空(Dedienne Aerospace)宣布,很荣幸于2015年11月10日与美国联合技术航空航天系 统公司(UTC Aerospace Systems)签署许可协议. 德定安航空成为美国联合技术航空航天系统公司授权的A350XWB机舱GSE唯一销售和服务供应商.
“Our primary commitment is to provide our customers with top-level quality of products as well as premium customer service and support。” said Cédric Barbe, CEO of Dedienne Aerospace.
德定安航空项目团队已做好充分准备, 随时指导并支持A350XWB GSE机舱工具需求和其他维护需 求.
“We at UTC Aerospace Systems are focused on providing operators with exceptional service and product support. That’s why we’re pleased to have a licensing agreement in place with Dedienne Aerospace. We believe their experience and expertise with ground support equipment and their ability to support operators globally will be a great benefit to the A350 XWB fleet,” said Paul Snyder, vice president, Aerostructures Aftermarket Services.
图片: Paul Snyder先生(UTAS零部件市场副总裁兼总经理) 和Cédric Barbe(德定安航空首席执行官)在阿联酋迪拜2015年迪拜航空展上签订协议