
2019年11月, 阿联酋迪拜—— 为了满足持续增长的业务需求,扩大在阿联酋的业务范围, 德定安航空(Dedienne Aerospace)在迪拜杰尔阿里港开设了一个新工厂.
新工厂位于迪拜主要港口和迪拜主要货运机场(DWC)之间的物流走廊上, 占地面积3000平方米. 通过著名的工具/GSE解决方案, 新工厂将为不断增长的GCC市场以及非洲和土耳其提供航空工具; 维护和支持服务. 新工厂距离迪拜新航空区(即迪拜南区)非常近, 未来几年内, 将为公司客户提供更快速, 更积极的服务. 德定安航空迪拜工厂将于2020年2月投入运营. 该工厂将为CFM, LEAP, 通用电气, 罗罗, 普惠提供一系列产品和服务, 旨在加强对航空公司客户的供应, 如阿联酋的阿联酋航空公司, 阿提哈德航空公司, 迪拜航空公司, 以及Turkish Technik, Joramco和不断扩大的非洲市场.
中东地区是德定安航空的关键市场, 我们将继续扩大业务并为重要客户提供服务.
“Our expansion in Dubai is a central element of our global growth strategy. The Middle East region is a key location for Dedienne Aerospace as we continue to expand operations and serve our valuable customers. This will give us the opportunity to further expand our tooling expertise and develop our customer services center. Dedienne’s expert team in Dubai produces the products and services we offer worldwide and is instrumental to our company’s success,” said Cédric Barbe, CEO of Dedienne Aerospace.
With infrastructure in Singapore, Mexico, Europe, China and the America’s, Dedienne Aerospace consolidates its worldwide presence with this new Dubai facility dedicated to the Middle-East and Africa customers. The geographic proximity and in-region expertise is a major asset to support LEAP & GE customers on-site for example, with the support and resources of the global Dedienne network too. Dedienne’s expertise with EIS provisioning will be of crucial value in the region, as airline customers enter into service with the
inaugural GE9X engine, as well as the ever-expanding CFM and Rolls Royce engine programs, of which we are holding long-standing experience in supply and excellent aftermarket support.
图片: 2019年11月 ——德定安航空——迪拜工厂——阿联酋